When Will Trade Shows Come Back?
A lot of our clients have been wondering when will trade shows come back and by this they of course mean in person trade shows.
As of February 2021, it’s hard to get a clean answer. While there is light at the end of the tunnel with vaccines rolling out, there is still great uncertainty in regard to getting back to in person expos.
Most trade shows happening in the first quarter have either been cancelled or moved online. Some major Summer, Fall and Winter shows have announced 2021 dates but they have yet to confirm they will proceed as planned. For example, San Diego’s prominent Comic-Con extravaganza is set forย July 22 – 25, 2021 and is already sold out as 2020 badges are supposed to roll over for this year’s edition. Some Comic-Con exhibitors are already hitting us up for booth ideas for this summer but still awaiting confirmation.
Trade shows involving heavy traveling and networking, you can’t blame expo organizers to be very cautious. A safe bet is that most conferences happening in the first semester will either be rescheduled in the second semester or postponed for another year. Don’t expect many events going virtual as those that went that road got a pretty mediocre feedback.
Whenever there will be major announcements, we will make sure to post them here so stay tuned for updates …